Our life can be a lot of fun.

Here are some of our stories

Artificial Intelligence Bradley Ferguson Artificial Intelligence Bradley Ferguson

"Why Time Served Doesn't Matter in the Art World: A Surprising Perspective"

As artists, we often hear people compare the creative process to being in prison. The idea is that becoming a skilled artist takes a long time and requires a lot of hard work and dedication – much like serving a sentence. But the truth is, art is not about how much time you've spent practicing. It's about your ability to convey emotion and tell a story through your work.

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AI Eductation Bradley Ferguson AI Eductation Bradley Ferguson

"3 Tips for Practicing Ethical AI in Your Business"

From self-driving cars not recognizing pedestrians to Facebook selling user data, it's easy to see why some people might be hesitant to fully embrace AI. But just because there have been a few instances of AI gone wrong doesn't mean we should write it off completely. In fact, AI and deep learning have the potential to do a lot of good for businesses and individuals. That's why it's so important for companies to practice Ethical AI as they incorporate it into their products and services.

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Photography Education Bradley Ferguson Photography Education Bradley Ferguson

"Tips for Creating Stunning Images that Will Sell Like Hotcakes on Adobe Stock"

Adobe Stock is a great platform for artists to showcase and sell their work. To maximize your chances of success on Adobe Stock, it's important to create images that are high quality, visually appealing, and in demand by potential buyers. Here are some tips and guidelines to help you create images that will sell well on Adobe Stock.

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Photography Education Bradley Ferguson Photography Education Bradley Ferguson

"5 Powerful Computer Builds for Creatives: Which One is Right for You?"

"As a creative, having a powerful computer is crucial to getting the job done. But with so many options out there, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out which build is right for you. That's where we come in. We've scoured the internet and put together five different computer builds for creatives, ranging from budget options to more expensive setups."

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Photography Education Bradley Ferguson Photography Education Bradley Ferguson

"Unleashing Your Inner Artist: How to Find Inspiration for Photography"

Are you a photographer struggling to find inspiration for your next masterpiece? Look no further! In this blog, we'll provide tips and tricks for unlocking your creative potential and finding inspiration in the world around you. From challenging yourself with new techniques to studying the greats, we've got you covered. Click here to learn more.

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What to Wear Bradley Ferguson What to Wear Bradley Ferguson

“What to Wear to a Creative Photoshoot: The Best Clothing Options for Men” - Astra Studios

In this blog, we explored some of the best clothing options for men to wear to a creative photoshoot. We discussed the importance of considering the tone and style of the photoshoot, and provided options for different types of photoshoots, such as retro-inspired, modern and edgy, whimsical and playful, and dark and moody. The key is to choose clothing that showcases your unique style and personality, and to feel comfortable and confident in your clothing choices.

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What to Wear Bradley Ferguson What to Wear Bradley Ferguson

“What to Wear to a Creative Photoshoot: The Best Clothing Options for Women” - Astra Studios

In this blog, we explored some of the best clothing options for women to wear to a creative photoshoot. We discussed the importance of considering the tone and style of the photoshoot, and provided options for different types of photoshoots, such as retro-inspired, modern and edgy, whimsical and playful, and dark and moody. The key is to choose clothing that showcases your unique style and personality, and to feel comfortable and confident in your clothing choices.

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Personal Projects Bradley Ferguson Personal Projects Bradley Ferguson

Fairy Fashion Show - Using A.I. and Photography Together - Astra Studios

The images you see here were created using MidJourney, my camera, and photoshop. The goal was to create fairy fantasy art, but I wanted to try and see how I could further blend AI into my workflow. These pieces are Frankenstein’d from numerous amounts of both real photos and AI image generations.

You could do something similar by combining your works in photoshop.

Without further ado, check out these awesome images!

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Prompt Craft Bradley Ferguson Prompt Craft Bradley Ferguson

A.I. Prompt Craft - How to Make a Gothic Rose with Ventablack Color Tones - Astra Studios

So you want to make a Gothic Rose?

No problem, I will happily show you the exact prompt I used to create this incredible bleeding rose. But first, let me try and also explain how I was able to use some basic guidelines to create a really cool piece of art. My hopes are that through these tutorials, you will also learn to create incredible works of art by structuring your prompts correctly.

Today, we have a simple one. I am choosing specific prompts in each PromptCraft lesson in order to teach you some fundamental skills. Wax on, wax off if you will.

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Prompt Craft Bradley Ferguson Prompt Craft Bradley Ferguson

A.I. Prompt Craft - How to Make a Portal to Another Realm in MidJourney - Astra Studios

So you want to make a Portal?

No problem, I will happily show you the exact prompt I used to create this incredible portrait to another dimension. But first, let me try and also explain how I was able to use some basic guidelines to create a really cool piece of art. My hopes are that through these tutorials, you will also learn to create incredible works of art by structuring your prompts correctly.

Today, we have a simple one.

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